Treehouse Village Ecohousing is comprised of 30 households, working together to build and maintain a community-oriented neighbourhood as we strive to live more socially and responsibly. There are at least six languages spoken and we range in age from under one to over 80. Our cohousing development has attracted families from Bridgewater, from elsewhere in Nova Scotia, from across Canada, and internationally. We are dedicated to our shared goal of creating a healthy, joyful, multi-age, and environmentally responsible community.

Our Vision
A vibrant, inclusive, multi-generational community living lightly on the earth.
Our Mission
To collaboratively maintain and sustain a vibrant, inclusive, multi-generational cohousing village that lives lightly on the earth.
Our Aims
- Fostering a culture of sustainability and care for the earth, while minimizing our environmental impact and creating opportunities to enjoy and play in nature.
- Creating an inclusive environment where people of all ages and from diverse backgrounds feel welcome and safe.
- Managing our village collaboratively, while maintaining a high quality built environment and using resources wisely.
- Sharing decision making using sociocratic tools and principles, such that all voices are heard.
Our Community Standards
At Treehouse, we are committed to:
- Communicating in ways that are honest and transparent, while doing our best to be courteous and considerate, welcoming and inclusive, compassionate and empathetic.
- Contributing in ways that enrich the social fabric and physical space of our community and that encourage each other to share our varied gifts, abilities, and insights while also recognizing our own needs.
- Collaborating in ways that are intentional and where challenges and disagreements are met with curiosity, openness, and the understanding that we are all learning together.
- Caring for ourselves, our neighbours, and our earth; while celebrating diversity, offering hospitality, living lightly, and being grateful on our journey.
And…together we create a community, a village we can call home.
Our Values
- Our planet: living lightly on the earth
- Our community: sharing resources and joy in an inclusive environment
- Ourselves: living in a safe, comfortable, and healthy home