Tag: cohousing
The Biggest Gift I Could Give My Only Child
We already live in a society where parenting in isolation has become the norm. Our “DIY” culture has us striving for our own house, yard, and all the “things” we need to be a self-sufficient family unit. With that DIY attitude comes the mindset that we are also to be all to our children.
Why would I buy a home in a place I’ve never seen? The community, that’s why
Normally, I would visit a place before I bought a home there. But this isn’t a normal time. And Treehouse Village isn’t a normal place.
Cut the heating bill, celebrate energy efficiency! Pooling resources to build a Passive House neighbourhood
It’s hard to believe we anticipate cutting our heating bill by almost 90% once my family moves to Treehouse Village in 2022.
Moving made easier with a little help from my cohousing neighbours
When we moved to California, we decided that when we moved back to Canada, it would be to Nova Scotia. Our move was a logistical challenge.
How I Justified Purchasing an “Expensive” Cohousing Home
My gut soon told me that this project was hitting many of my hopes and dreams for the future in one fell swoop. But my head … my head required some analysis to validate the feelings from my gut and heart.
The Cat’s Out of the Bag – We are now on MLS!
The word has been “out” for quite some time, but it’s now “out” in a different way. Treehouse Village has […]
Cohousing: A safe place for children to play and build friendships
It seems to be only the blink of an eye before your child has grown from infancy to toddlerhood and you’re looking for opportunities for your little one to make friends. Here are some social benefits cohousing can offer your growing children.
What Does PHIUS Certification Mean to Treehouse Village Ecohousing?
We want to reduce our environmental footprint, and one of the ways we will be doing that is by building our homes to a very high standard of energy efficiency.
Returning to Nova Scotia
I’ve lived a lot of places in my adult life. I confess that I was born in the US, so […]
Informal Childcare Arrangements in a Cohousing Village
My name is Caitlin, and I struggle to ask for help. As a result of this single-minded independence, I have […]