Category: Sociocracy
We’ve Selected our Homes!
The Equity members of Treehouse Village took a leap of faith, worked together, and consented to purchase not just a unit, but a specific home.
5 Ways to Show Community Resilience in a Pandemic
Not only have our members found that working on our development is an excellent distraction from the boredom of social isolation, we’ve also been able to draw emotional support from each other in these trying times. But how exactly have we been able to keep the “social” in “social distancing”? Our success rests on the…
A Newcomer’s Guide to Treehouse Meetings
Meetings are run a bit differently here. You’ll find some impressive things (like a group being completely civilized and focused on reaching an agreement quickly) and other things that make you wonder what’s going on (like the process of checking in at the beginning and out at the end). Here’s a quick overview of what…